Through our almost 30 years together, Tom has come up with many ideas for adventures but this takes the cake. After filling me in on how much “fun” it would be, we decided to take the first step and find a boat. We found one and began the negotiations the very same week we attended our first AGLCA Rendevous. This could also be called Loopercon as that’s exactly what it is–classes and seminars pertaining to the Great Loop. Some of the many questions we had were answered through these seminars by the very people who had completed the Loop. Let’s get right to some of the main questions and answers below.

  1. Are you crazy?  No….yes….maybe. We don’t know, but we sure are adventurous! Life is short-do things now while your health is good. 
  2. How long will you be gone? The short answer is “as long as we want.” We’re retired so we have no schedule. We can take as looooonnnng as we want to complete the Loop. We may do part, half, or 9/10 of it this year then come home for awhile and complete it next year. It’s not a race. 
  3. Will you come home at all during your adventure? Probably. We may get sick of each other or the boat and decide to come home for a week, month, or six. There are many marinas around the Loop where we can park our boat and fly home. Plus, we like our friends and family and will want to see them on occasion. 
  4. Can you cook on the boat? Yes, we have a kitchen with cook top, convection/microwave oven, grill, refrigerator, and freezer.
  5. Will you sell your house? Right now, no, but that discussion is ongoing. We have friends and neighbors who have offered to check in on it for us and we will plan to video monitor it right from the boat. Technology is FANTASTIC!
  6. OMG what about mail and your bills??? There is a service-who knew? Actually more than one service, that will forward your mail or sort through it for you and have it delivered to your next destination. 
  7. Prescriptions? Walgreens and CVS are EVERYWHERE!
  8. Is it safe?-Yes, but we have to be smart and take precautions. We have radios, navigation equipment, back-up navigation equipment, and are monitored by a service that will know our location as long as we have it activated. We are traversing the intercostal waterways for the most part, so land will be within eyesight or not far away. We also have the option to meet up with other Loopers and travel with them.
  9. How/when will you do laundry? Just to be clear, I realize that this question isn’t on the guys’ radar, but it really is important! We happen to be equipped with a washer and dryer on the boat. Most marinas also have laundry facilities that we can use while docked there.
  10. What if you need groceries? Lots of options here–Uber, taxi, Harbor Hosts (AGLCA members in many ports who are there just to help), and marina courtesy cars are available.

We are happy to answer any additional questions you may have. Ask away!